    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :) Jukebox

Here's a link to a simple online jukebox, just type in name of song, and you'll get several music videos and songs related to what you typed in. Very fast music search site..
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Facebook: Friend or Foe?

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

Facebook: Friend or Foe? I've enjoyed using Facebook to catch up with friends that I don't get to talk to much. I don't like the idea as much as anyone else that they can use all of our information for marketing purposes. I've already noticed the "self-serve" ads on the's like they're reading my comments :) But I will keep an eye out for there IPO if they get one. Might be a way to make a little money. Looks like the big boys are getting interested, so a buyout may be in the future, but doesn't look like they'll pay what Facebook will want (Microsoft and Google)

Facebook “Definitely” Raising Capital This Year; Google Considered Acquisition

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Spring Deer Scouting

One of my favorite times to be scouting is February to April. It's a great time to get in the woods, and start to figure out how and where the big ones avoided me. The deer trails are easily seen, because all the undergrowth is practically dead. You also can find some sheds while walking the trails. You can start making mental notes of where you find sheds, as well as rubs and scrapes. I've located a few spots that I plan on having treestands at this coming year. So here's a list of things you can do to prepare for next season!

1) Walk game trails to find out where they're traveling
2) Look for sheds,rubs, scrapes
3) Find new stand locations, and go ahead and trim some shooting lanes
4) Put mineral blocks out, I usually start around first of April for mineral blocks

White-tailed deerImage via Wikipedia

First Shed Antler of 2007Image by Crowhand via Flickr

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GM Volt Coming in June

Looks like GM is actually putting their bailout money to good use. Electric powered vehicles...look out Jetson's here we come!! Price range is going to be around $40K, but probably will get a decent tax credit also. The MPG is estimated to be around 100mpg!! We'll see about that...

General Motors CorporationImage via Wikipedia

GM Volt Coming in June

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While reading some of the blogs I have in my feeds, I came across a promotion of a site called It's a cool site, that actually shows you what a page looks like when you type a search in the search box. This can help weed-out alot of the junk sites, that don't have the information that you need. Give it a shot..see what you think

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