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Arkansas Bow Season Day One

Whitetail Doe
It's finally here!! Arkansas Archery Season started on October 1st. I've spent alot of time this year preparing for trying to kill my first black bear with my bow. I'll post more about in a coming post, but the plan was to hunt for whitetails in the morning then get on the bear stand around noon. Opening morning, I was sitting in one of my favorite tree stands. It's on a point with two good draws running on both sides of it with a clearcut just a 100 yards away. There are alot of acorns dropping in the area, so I thought it'd be a perfect place to be opening morning. I was walking into my stand that morning, and I was about 10 yards from my stand, and I look up and see two BIG red eyes staring at me. It was right at my mineral lick. I just knew it was a BIG bear, and then my mind starting thinking it was a sow with cubs that's why she's not running away, so as I'm trying to think of how fast I'm going to run away, I realized that I had my headlamp on the led red light, so I clicked it to regular white light, and it was a big doe standing there looking at me. It's funny how your mind can make you think some crazy things. I had to laugh at myself for that. The doe ended up walking closer to me, and never spooked just walked by. Later on that morning, I had a another doe come in, and I thought about shooting her but decided I'd pass, and try and get one later. I did find some new rubs, so I'll probably try and get back in there in a week or so. The bear stand that afternoon was uneventful, didn't see anything.
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