Here's a link to a simple online jukebox, just type in name of song, and you'll get several music videos and songs related to what you typed in. Very fast music search site..
Image via CrunchBase
Facebook: Friend or Foe? I've enjoyed using Facebook to catch up with friends that I don't get to talk to much. I don't like the idea as much as anyone else that they can use all of our information for marketing purposes. I've already noticed the "self-serve" ads on the's like they're reading my comments :) But I will keep an eye out for there IPO if they get one. Might be a way to make a little money. Looks like the big boys are getting interested, so a buyout may be in the future, but doesn't look like they'll pay what Facebook will want (Microsoft and Google)Image via Wikipedia
Image by Crowhand via Flickr
Image via Wikipedia
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