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Happy Couple Secrets

I'm always enjoy reading articles and tips on marriage relationships. Cause guys, we all know if "mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy", so I thought these tips were great. Check out the article!!

The Best of All..

Hello all!! Today's devotion comes from Gen. 45:20, "Don't worry about your belongings, for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours". Joesph instructed his brothers to tell his father to not worry about bringing any of his possessions with them on the journey. Joesph let them know that there was plenty in Egypt for them all. So many times, we cling to our tiny possessions, and have a hard time letting go, and the reality of the matter God has so much more for us, if we will just let go. Just like the boy with the fish and bread, he could of held on to that little food, but now just because of his willingness to obey, his name went into HISTORY!! And he helped change many lives.

Thoughts of the Day

Good morning everyone!! My devotional this morning came from Matthew 13:31-32, which talks about how the mustard seed is very small, but becomes one of the largest garden plants, and eventually a tree for the birds to rest in. I was thinking how this relates to me..My relationship with Jesus Christ began very small, it was just to believe in Him, that relationship has grown into a "tree" for me now as well. I have love, joy, food, protection, security, and peace all because of just believing in Him!!

Loving Life Today

Welcome to Loving Life Today. This site provides tips, thoughts and techniques for Christian men. First off, I love Jesus Christ, and I thank Him for setting me on a solid foundation. I'm just an average expert on anything, just would love to share some things that I've been taught, and share some of life's experiences. Topics will be varied from Christain values, devotionals, scriptures, hunting tips, bowhunting, sports, finances, investing...basically anything that goes through my mind in a day. I hope you enjoy some of the topices, let me know what you like and what you don't and I'll try and keep it relatable!!